Thursday, October 9, 2008

We now return to our regularly scheduled programing...

Whew! The last month's been a blur. With schooling, piano lessons, swimming lessons, a new children's church curriculum, and the crisis needs of some of our friends, I've barely had the chance to read other people's blogs (love that "blogs I'm following thing," by the way) and have had absolutely nothing to say on my own. Thanks to those of you who've shot me an email to say you missed me, or at least wondered if I was dead. I feel the love!

Anyway, I'm trying to get back in the blogging saddle again and in searching for something relevant to talk about, thought I'd start with my current musings on things in print.

First back to this one:
If you can discern your way through his liberal theology and socialist political sympathies, Shane Claiborne's Irresistible Revolution is worth your time, not because you should be persuaded that God is a pacifist (a suggestion I find difficult to swallow when served with any portion of Scripture) but because we all need to be challenged to see Jesus as a helper of the disenfranchised rather than simply a vending machine for the shiny, happy, middle class American Christian. Check you local library for this one.

Next up on my reading list is Practical Theology for Women, by Wendy Horger Alsup. My husband was manning his ministry's booth at the Straight Up Conference where the rep from Crossway generously gave him a copy for me.

I've only read the preface so far, which is Wendy's story, but I can tell you that she certainly has the experience to back up her claims that God is great in rotten circumstances. It's a thin book, so I hope to finish it this weekend and be able to talk about it next week.


Rebecca said...

I did wonder what happened to you! Glad you're still alive :>) I have your blog on my feed reader & was wondering if somehow it wasn't working properly, LOL. Sounds like you've got some really thought provoking books on your hands. Right now I am reading, among others, A Woman's High Calling by Elizabeth George. I find that if I have any hopes of retaining the information, I'd better read slow :>)

Monica said...

Looks like quality stuff. I'm going to check it out.