Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 12: Jazz Up Your Jeans

Whew! I've made it halfway through the 21 Day Challenge!

21 Day Challenge

Today we're jazzing the jeans. Easy peasy. This is how you'll normally find me, cruising the grocery store or hanging out at the library.

Day 12: Jazz Up Your Jeans

?? blouse (thrifted), tank (Sears), J. Jill jeans (thrifted), Etienne Aigner sandals (TJ Maxx)

Gotta run! No time to wax eloquent. It's teacher meeting day at our consortium--school starts Monday!


Chris said...
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Chris said...

That blouse is beautiful! Wish I were lucky at thrifting like you. Very lovely outfit!

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Cute! Love that top!